Simple Hack to Stay Hydrated

Simple Hack to Stay Hydrated

Hello, Summer! Here on the Texas Gulf Coast, the thermometer reaches 95° before noon every day. Factoring in humidity, it feels like 105°! Knowing how to stay hydrated with temps & humidity this high can be a challenge.  When the body needs water our brains send a...
Vegetarian Is Healthier. . . Or Is It?

Vegetarian Is Healthier. . . Or Is It?

After introducing myself for the first time, people often respond with: “Oh, so you must be a Vegetarian! . . . No? . . . That’s crazy!” A misconception so many people have is that being a vegetarian is somehow inherently healthier. That couldn’t be farther from the...
Too Much of a Good Thing

Too Much of a Good Thing

How much added sugar is too much? Subscribe for Free Most people today agree that eating too much added sugar is unhealthy. Science backs those claims. In fact, added sugar contributes to nearly EVERY SINGLE disease state in the human experience. In addition to the...
Water, Water Everywhere

Water, Water Everywhere

Why You Should Stop to Drink Subscribe for Free What is the difference between a grape and a raisin? Water! Water’s unique properties make it critical for basic cellular functions. Water accounts for up to 60% of your bodyweight and is a vital nutrient to the life of...
Chewing All Day Long

Chewing All Day Long

Chewing, Chewing All Day Long Subscribe for Free If you have seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory more than once, you’re welcome. Good luck getting rid of that earworm. This week on Facebook, we’ve been talking about facing challenges and how we overcome them. I...
The Root of It All

The Root of It All

“All disease begins in the gut” ~Hippocrates Subscribe for Free Many would argue this is not literally true, yet it does hold great truth. Your “gut” entails everything from your mouth to your anus. This includes: ​ Mouth (teeth, tongue, salivary glands)...